1. AN EXCISE ACT: Case FIR No. 107/18 has
been registered at PS Dhalli on 15.06.18
U/S 39 HP Excise Act on the rukka of ASI Suresh Kumar I/o PS Dhalli alleging
there in that on 15.06.2018 on secret information he recovered 18 boxes of country and 20 boxes of country liquor in vehicle No HP-17A-2920
driven by Akshay Thakur S/o Sh Maheshwar Dutt R/o village Patti P/o Rajhana Tehsil
and District Shimla. The case is being investigated by of ASI Suresh Kumar I/O
PS Dhalli.
No. 69/18 has been registered at PS Kumarsain on 15-06-2018 U/S
279,337 IPC on the statement of Sh
Sumant Kashyap S/o Sh Ram Lal Kashyap VPO and Tehsil Kumarsain District Shimla
alleging therein that on 15.06.2018 a Vehicle No.HP 06 A -6231 (Eon) hit a
Vehicle No. HR 04G 2686 (Motorcycle) and Run away from the spot. In This
accident two persons sustained injuries. The case is being investigated by HC Ram
Sain I/o PS Kumarsain.
3. During last 24 hours 296 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded=
199 fine realized Rs. 1,01,300, 24 persons challaned under
Smoking Act & fine collected
Rs. 2,400/-
Follow up
1. Accused Prem Singh S/o Mansa Ram &
Naresh Kumar S/o Dhani Ram both R/o Vill. Seri ka Hada PO Panesh
Tehsil and Distt. Shimla age 52 years arrested in case FIR No. 154/18 dated
12.06.2018 U/S 302,34 IPC at PS West further remanded in Police Custody
upto 17.06.2018, by the Ld. Court.
Accused Devender Rana
S/o Sh. Hukkam Chand R/o Village Bhutti
Tehsil Kumarsain District Shimla arrested in case FIR No. 66/18 dated 12.06.2018
u/s U/S 452 307 436 326 IPC at PS
Kumarsain, is being produced before Ld. Court today.
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