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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Crime Report on 27 March 2016

1. An Accident case  FIR No. 73/2016 Dated 26-03-2016  U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered at PS Dhalli  on the statement of Sh. Rajeshwar Singh S/o Sh. Om Prakesh R/o Village Domehar P.O Mundaghat Tehsil & Distt Shimla age 45 years alleging therein that on dated 26/03/2016 at about 10-30 AM when he was on the the road at Mundaghat onevehicle  No Hp 63- 4476 Alto blue color  came from Shilon Bag side the driver of the said vehicle  can not given to right  pass to coming horses on the road side the driver of the vehicle lost his control and rolled down in to deep Khud ( Nala ) about 120/130 feets. In this accident  two person  namely Suresh Kumar R/o Kainth Dhalla Shilon Bag Shimla and one Napali Janku have got injured.  Case is being investigated by ASI Jogender Singh I/O PS Dhalli

2. . An Accident case FIR No.37/2016 Dated 26-03-2016  U/S 279, 337 IPC& 187 M.V Act  has been registered at PS East on the statement of Miss Neeru Basolta D/o Sh.Bansi Lal R/o Jorana P.O Pulwahal Tehsil Chopal Distt. Shimla HP alleging therein that on 26-03-2016 after school leaving  she was going to home with her sister  Priti when she reached at  post office Shimla at about 4 PM one vehicle came rushlly back side and hitted her,  due this incident she has got injuries in his left leg and foot .At the time of this incident ,so many people and children  were present on the spot who were seen this incident.  This incident occurred by the driver later on known  as Nitin Thakur or Shail Rathor , who was driving this  vehicle No  HP 63-8164 or HP 63-8163  VXI -Alto Car.The driver of the vehicle was run away from the spot with above vehicle. The case is being investigated by HC Madho Ram I/O PS East.


3.  During last 24 hours 306 vehicles challaned under MV Act and 30 Persons Challaned under Smoking Act & fine from smoking act collected Rs 3100/-. Total Challan compounded MV Act=161 and fine realized Rs 71,300-  Total Fine =74,400/-


Inquest Report:-One Mr.Pana Lal S/o Tungi Ram R/o V.P.O Masli P.S Chirgaon Tehsil Chirgaon Distt. Shimla HP has been expired due to consumption of poison. Post Mortum of deceased person has been carried out at CH Rohroo and dead body handed over to the deceased family accordingly. Proceeding U/S 174 Crpc is being carried out by I/o ASI Kuldeep I/O PS Chirgaon.      


Follow up :-

1     Accused Deep Ram S/O Late Sh. Jeeva Nand R/O Divya Nagar Totu Distt. Shimla H.P. age56 years (2)  Mehar Singh S/O Sh. Luiya Ram R/O Village Kulah P.O. Madhol Tehsil Tyuni Distt. Dehradun U.K. age 45 years have been arrested in case FIR No. 83/16 Dated 25.03.2016 U/S 18,20,29 ND & PS Act at P.S. West on 26-03-2016 At 07-00PM & 11-00 PM. The accused persons has been produced before Ld. JMIC-3 Shimla on dated 27.03.2016 The Ld JMIC-3 has been sent to above both accused in  police remand up to 9 days I.E 04-04-2016



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